Install RingCentral C# SDK

This tutorial demonstrates how to create a new project and install the latest RingCentral C# SDK.

Launch Xamarin Studio

Xamarin Studio

Press keyboard shortcut: Shift - CMD - N to create a new solution

New Solution

Choose "iOS -> App -> Single View App", click "Next"

iOS Single View App

Here we take an iOS app for example. The method demonstrated here should also work for Android apps and Mac apps

Name the app as MyTestApp , keep other settings as default, click "Next"

Create Test App

Keep all the settings as default, click "Create"

Create Test App

Test app created

Test App Created

From Xamarin Studio menu, select "Project -> Add NuGet Packages..."

NuGet Gallery

Search for "RingCentral", be sure to check "Show pre-release packages", check "RingCentral SDK", click "Add Package"

NuGet RingCentral SDK

Here we checked "Show pre-release packages" because we want to install the latest pre-release version. In the future, we'll merge all the latest features in to the stable release, by then there is no need to install pre-release version.

Accept the license of PubnubPCL

PubnubPCL License

Add using RingCentral.SDK; to ViewController.cs

Testing Code

Press CMD - B to build the project.

Build Successful

"Build successful." means RingCentral SDK has been installed successfully.

Download the source code for this tutorial.